It breaks in two... and then, amazingly becomes a CAMERA when you slide the parts back together...
this amazing little camera.. the new modular Ricoh GXR... comes with two basic parts.. the lens&sensor, and the viewfinder/battery/storage.. Cool idea.. and as the lenses expand, which i hope they do.. all kinds of cool things could happen with this system. I am trying to find a shoot (maybe tomorrow, Mr Toyota?) where I could use only this camera and a Speed Graphic. I think we re on the edge of a new paradigm (of course it could happen that I would be fully prepared to miss all pictures with a "variety" of gear... ) Anyway..here are a couple of 3200 asa frames.. larger to see.. i was shocked, what can i say..

I sort of hate to see all this techno stuff becoming so ubiquitous.. (the sound of an old farts voice:) "i remember when there was CRAFT to taking pictures...." not that I was very good at it.. but at least i REMEMBER it...
this was shot at ASA 200

these two were shot by a glass door.. (big window light..) f2.5 at 1/1250 i think (im sure its in the metadata..)
click on the pictures to see them BIG

I tried it out, thought the AF on the prime was too slow for me.
Took card home, looks at pics - nice. Not $1300 nice, but nice.
But, but.... I haven't broken my Ricoh R6 yet.
looks interesting, Im still using the the original GR-D's for black and white, but if a 35/40mm equiv fixed becomes available I could be tempted to swop
Are thinking of using the Ricoh GXR focused on the ground glass of the speed graphic making a Digital viewfinder? Maybe using a used Toyota throttle peddle as a bracket? :-)
I'm waiting for the Camry/GRX upgrade.
reminds me of the super magnification mirror I use in the bathroom ...that scares me too. Some images I'd rather not see so close.
these pictures are frightening --and i mean that in the nicest possible way.
but why do whiskers stop sprouting right there in the cheek?
This is a really nice picture and would love to have this type of cam so that I can take awesome clarity pictures.
cruise and stay
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