Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Facebook
founder Mark, says we should never post pictures of our friends on FB without
asking their permission. “It’s a matter of human decency,” she
said. Is she kidding? There is nothing about FB that has anything
to do with humanity or decency. When we join FB, we are asked, (in pages
and pages of confusing text) to sign away all our rights to the things we
post. Most of us use the site to keep in touch with our friends, find out
what mischief our kids are planning, or because it is a convenient way to
communicate. Same with
Twitter, although, to be honest, when my kids explain it to me it sounds good
–aside from the hash tags. But when I try to use it, I get confused about
what I am supposed to say about what I’m doing or why I should care.
Just because I post a picture of myself, doesn't mean you're allowed to SEE it!!Jeez...
Anyway, let’s get back to human
decency. Don’t you wish you could ask the Zuckerbergs to define
decency? Is it the ability to screw your friends, but in a way that makes
you feel like it was not only right, it was essential. Mark could never
have achieved the level of success he achieved without help from
someone. Unfortunately, the definition of what was “needed” in
order to move or to progress is to get rid of people who are no longer
“useful.” It is not my idea of having a good time. When people take
a chance either financially or time wise -- because they believe in you or
something you are doing-- why would you want to screw them.
Facebook does enable us to catch up, have fun, and to keep abreast, but it is
only successful because people felt a need to connect. What a sad
commentary when people who have no idea about decency, feel it necessary to
lecture anyone about right or wrong.
But that’s not what I wanted to blob
about. Funniest idea of almost all time comes from my beloved. Last
night we went to see “The Miserables.” It’s a show everyone in our family
loves. Before the movie begins, David says to me, “I should stand up and
welcome the overflowing movie crowd to a special presentation of the “Sing-along
Les Mis.” I laughed till I died, and they buried me and it tickled and I
laughed till I died…..
Sorry, I digressed. Can you
imagine how the customers, looking forward to being entertained by Russell
Crowe (who can not sing at all), would have reacted? We might have
to go back to the theater and actually try it.
For years, going to the movies on
Thanksgiving or Christmas day was something we did. It started when, as a
family activity, we all went bowling. But after a few rolls down the
alley, my mother (who attended, but refused to participate) got bored. So
we switched to a movie. We have seen “Guilt Trip,” which could have
been my life, “Hyde Park,” which we thought was going to be about FDR, the war,
and the King of England – but it was about a number of love affairs he had and
how willing all the women were to compromise themselves for him. And “Les
Mis,” which I prefer on a stage because I like the grandeur (the bigness) of
the set and scenery, the way the show envelopes the audience, and I like to choose my own persepctive
of the characters. Here, each scene was a close-up ending with a full
view of the character and surrounding scenery. Just one opinion.
But it is worth seeing because the focus of this production is the acting and
the story, (the music is secondary – there is something to be said for
dubbing), so for the “Les Mis” beginner, it’s easier to follow. (You can
actually understand what the hell they are saying.)
Anyway, we are all happy to begin
another year. We wish it wouldn’t come as quickly as it did, but as my
Grandfather said – Life is like a train. When you are young it seems you
are on the local. And when you get older, it becomes an express.
Happy and a Healthy New Year to all our Blobby, We’re Just Sayin’ friends. We’re Just Sayin’…. Iris